International Business (Portugal Project) 360-826

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

There are 2 openings remaining at this time.


Engages students with the complexities and challenges of doing business in a global economy. Emphasis is on learning about cultural diversity and different approaches to management and negotiation, theories of international trade, exchange rates, and an introduction to elements of importing and exporting. Country analyses and a cross national negotiation simulation are required.

Course Content Goals and Objectives:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the role and opportunities of the business within the international marketplace.
• Explain the requirements of the skills required to operate a multinational business operation.
• Demonstrate an awareness of the need to compete on a global basis and the decision-making process of multinational business enterprises.


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course.
Fee: $150.00

Jessica Perius



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