Operations Management BMGT 332-826

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

There are 2 openings remaining at this time.


PUCPR (Two year business students from Brazil)

Surveys the tasks which must be accomplished in that part of the organization which produces its service or products. Presents selected critical quantitative models from a managerial perspective. Introduces students to the design of services and products, planning and control, inventory systems and the management of quality.

To obtain language, concepts, insights, and tools to deal with these issues to gain competitive advantage through operations. • Develop an understanding of and an appreciation for the production and operations management function in any organization. • To understand the various production and operations design decisions and how they relate to the overall strategies of organizations. • Obtain an understanding of quality management practice in organizations and how quality management and six-sigma facilitate organizational effectiveness. • To understand the relationship of the various planning practices of capacity planning, forecasting, project planning and scheduling. • To understand the roles of inventories and basics of managing inventories in various demand settings. • To understand contemporary operations and organizational approaches and the supply-chain.


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course.
Fee: $150.00

Rodrigo Lobo



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