Human Resource Management 329-726

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

All physical openings have been filled, but virtual seats are still available.


Presents an overview of the laws and practices involved in providing an organization with the needed skilled workforce.  Topics include best practices for handling recruitment and selecting employees, evaluating employee performance, making promotion and discipline decisions, creating fair compensation systems, and dealing with sexual harassment, etc.

Course Content Goals and Objectives:

• Understand the part that the human resource function plays in creating and executing an organization’s strategy.
• Identify the major laws that affect the legality and shape the use of various employment practices
• Know key issues relevant to successful management of the workforce across cultures.
• Demonstrate competence in applying knowledge of sound employee selection practices to a real organization.
• Be able to decide upon appropriate means of appraising an employee’s performance based on the task they perform and the purpose of the appraisal.
• Explain the key factors involved in creating a fair and motivating compensation system in an organization. Know what rights employees have in the workplace and how to create a fair discipline mechanism that can turn around employee performance
• Understand the current trends union-management relations and how to improve those relations.

Learning objectives for BMGT 329 for all Montana University System institutions:

• Identify the role(s) of human resource management in supporting and achieving organizational strategy.
• Appraise, analyze, and formulate recommendations pertaining to the following human resource management topics in organizations: equal employment opportunity; recruitment, selection and retention; training and development; workplace safety; performance appraisal; compensation and benefits; international human resource management; labor relations, and strategic human resource management.
• Recognize the functional areas of HRM from the perspective of management (e.g., linking pay and performance, validating selection procedures, conducting performance appraisals, etc.).
• Recognize the functional areas of HRM from an employee perspective (e.g., when discrimination might have taken place, relative worth of jobs inside organizations, etc.)


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course. Students will need to purchase McGraw Connect Access
Fee: $150.00

Heather Thompson-Bahm



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