Supporting Students with Intensive Needs EDCI 589-404

Dates:November 28 - December 5, 2023
Cost: $99.00

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This course focuses on supporting students with intensive needs using Multi-Tiered System of Support and other instructional tools.

This course is a combination of two workshops:

November 28:

Supporting Students with Intensive Needs within MTSS

Description: Are you struggling to meet the individual needs of your students? Did you know there is a validated process to develop and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) or intensive interventions? This session models how to use data-based individualization (DBI) to support students with intensive needs and develop SDI for students with disabilities while leveraging the data, instruction, and infrastructure of your MTSS system.

December 5:

Planning, Delivering and Intensify Instruction: What Teachers Need to Know to Meet the Intensive Needs of All of their Students

Description: This session will give teachers tools for their instructional tool kit using high-leverage practices that research has shown support implementation of high-quality instructional programming for students with and at risk for disabilities regardless of their identified disability category or grade span. Each practice will focus on the use of a three-phase cycle for planning, delivering, and reviewing individual, small-group, and whole-group instruction. Whether you are new to teaching, have years of experience, teach general education or special education students, this session will guide you step by step through the planning, delivering and intensifying of instruction to more effectively meet the needs of your at-risk learners.

Fee: $99.00

Thomas Manthey

Date Day Time Location
11/28/2023Tuesday8:30 AM to 3:30 PM MSUB Student Union Building Beartooth
12/05/2023Tuesday8:30 AM to 3:30 PM MSUB Student Union Building Beartooth



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