Capstone, Strategy 499-827

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

All physical openings have been filled, but virtual seats are still available.


Covers strategic analysis and planning for managerial decision-making through integration of the functional areas of business. Theoretical class work is applied through multiple pedagogical methods.

Course Content Goals and Objectives:

Identify and apply the tools and techniques for analyzing the general and industry environments, as well as an internal and competitor analysis. (Knowledge and Application)

Explain the concepts associated with firms’ missions, visions, intents, resources, capabilities, and core competencies. (Analysis)

Identify the balance between the needs of the various stakeholders of an organization including employees, shareholders, the Board of Directors, customers, suppliers and the environment. (Comprehension)

Integrate the balance between the needs of the various stakeholders of an organization including employees, shareholders, the Board of Directors, customers, suppliers and the environment. (Synthesis)

Develop critical thinking skills by

Analysis of strategic issues and problems (Analysis),

Recognition and assessment of strategic alternatives (Knowledge and Evaluation), and

Evaluation and recommendation of specific actions to implement desired strategies in a dynamic environment (Evaluation).

Apply interpersonal skills by participating in team assignments working with others who have a common goal and purpose. (Application)

Demonstrate proper communication skills through group discussion and written assignments. (Application)


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course.
Fee: $150.00

Rodrigo Lobo



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