Entrepeneurship 448-826

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

There are 2 openings remaining at this time.


Surveys the tasks which must be accomplished in that part of the organization which produces its service or products. Presents selected critical quantitative models from a managerial perspective. Introduces students to the design of services and products, planning and control, inventory systems and the management of quality.

Course Content Goals and Objectives:

By the end of the semester, an "A" student will have demonstrated a good understanding of the language of entrepreneurship, including the details of the entrepreneurial mindset, ethical responsibilities of entrepreneurs, recognition of business opportunities, business model and plan, and networks formation. While the first objective is to develop the student's knowledge of entrepreneurship, the second objective is to improve the student's analytical, team, writing, and communication skills.

Learn to Generate and Screen ideas that create value to customers.

Articulate strategic thinking to add value into the initial business idea and the assessment of the
business plan.

Learn how to work professionally and deliver a business plan to investors.

Recognize, define, and test business opportunities.

Assess the feasibility of the business concept through industry, market, trend and economic analysis.

Develop business plans that fit a business opportunity.

Integrate business concepts from previous courses into a comprehensive business plan.


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course.
Fee: $150.00

Rodrigo Lobo



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