Strategic Marketing Management 449-827

Dates:January 15 - May 1, 2025
Meets:1/15/25 - 5/1/25
Cost: $150.00

All physical openings have been filled, but virtual seats are still available.


Covers the methods and techniques employed in marketing management, including study of consumers, retailers, product, and controlling the total marketing program.

The course will apply the marketing body of knowledge. At semester’s end, the “A” student will have demonstrated an ability to analyze and apply the concepts and theories of marketing including:

• Understanding Product Life Cycles
o Market opportunities, marketing relationships, and development of new products are MKT 449 Strategic Marketing Management - S2006 3 identified through a keen understanding of product life cycles. The student will demonstrate the ability to understand competition and determine key strategic initiatives based on industry trends and cycles.

• Marketing Program Development
o Market targeting and positioning strategies for new and existing products set guidelines for the choice of strategies for the marketing mix components. The student will be able to combine product, distribution, price, and promotion strategies to form a new strategy or analyze the existing positioning strategy selected for each market target.

• Opportunity and Growth Strategies
o How do we identify growth opportunities and determine the best marketing strategy? What directions of growth are best taken from a company’s core business model; and then how do we execute the best strategic challenges for each growth markets. The student will become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages associated in pursuing alternative strategies, and will be able to analyze opportunities resulting in recommendation of possible strategic directions.

• Business Models and Strategic Brand Management
o Understanding the strategy behind a business brand and success model is essential for deciding the right growth direction. Organizations need a clear understanding of these strengths in order to achieve profit objectives and create sustainable competiti


This is a 3rd Party billing. PUCPR will pay $150 per student per course.
Fee: $150.00

AJ Otjen



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